A sumptuous 13-head Swedish shower and a beautiful eucalyptus steam room are among the luxuries awaiting guests who visit the 3,600 square foot Agora Day Spa, part of the Stamford Marriott Hotel & Spa in Stamford, CT. With lots of tricks and treatments to offer clients, Owner Scheri Passero offers up her best skin advice.
What are the most common skin concerns of your clients?
A lot of my clients are baby boomers who come to me concerned with sun damage, wrinkles and discoloration. Many have been misdiagnosed because they counter shop. I advise them to go with the oxygen facial with microdermabrasion. The microdermabrasion exfoliates the dead skin so their home skincare products can penetrate better, instead of hydrating dead, dull, dry skin with a buildup of film on top. Then, with the oxygen blast, the skin is revived and much more radiant. It’s a favorite for people who have an event. But the most important is a botanically infused good home care regime that is custom for their skin.
What treatments and technologies are you most excited to share with clients?
I absolutely just love microdermabrasion. It works so well without any downtime. The new LED facial light is a grand finale to a good facial. Different colors do different treatments for the skin, building collagen and elastin, and treating acne. Our custom massage is our most popular because it consists of different modalities: 60 or 90 minutes (deep tissue, hot stones, reflexology, Swedish, or spot treatments).

How do you recommend clients keep winter skin worries at bay at home?
You should use a protectant on the skin every day—a product that can penetrate the pores and act as a “clean fill” for them. Then you apply SPF. Don’t apply SPF directly on the skin because it can be a culprit for premature aging. It produces menacing free radicals that can damage skin and cells.
What are your favorite three skin products and why?
Our oxygen cleanser stimulates the skin and cleanses wonderfully. Our neck reserve cream is the best for crepey skin, and my most favorite of all time is our optimizing day cream. It soothes the skin while it protects. It’s our wonder cream!
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Presented by Agora Day Spa
SCHERI PASSERO, owner/master esthetician
Stamford Marriott Hotel & Spa
243 Tresser Blvd., Stamford, CT
203-977-1234, agoradayspact.com