n his new book, The Delmonico Way, Max Tucci, the grandson of Oscar Tucci, who reopened the famed New York restaurant in 1926 three years after the original owners shuttered it, delves into the restaurant’s history through recipes, photos and stories. “For me and The Delmonico Way, the inspiration is always present, from the epic collection of memorabilia my family saved over the decades, to memories of my father and me in the kitchen of Delmonico’s, to Turner Classic Movie nights with my aunt Mary, where actors in movies such as Hello Dolly, Frankie and Johnny and Funny Girl all mention going to Delmonico’s,” says Tucci. “My ancestors were and are my biggest inspiration. To be able to honor them and the method they created known as ‘The Delmonico Way’, fills my heart with joy. As [the] Maya Angelou quote goes, ‘When you learn, teach.’ I am grateful to teach and share my magical life of growing up Tucci and growing up Delmonico’s with my readers; my desire is that they will take away with them, the importance of family and ancestors, the grandeur of Old New York, and ways to entertain their guests and prepare some really super recipes.” rizzoliusa.com