Lesley Rotchford

Edward Tricomi, cofounder and master stylist of Warren Tricomi salon, reveals how to protect your hair from sun damage—and style it like a pro...
Most of us buy organic food and cleaning products, but continue to slather our faces with creams and cosmetics packed with chemicals. The reason:...
When temperatures dip, we start shopping for coats and sweaters to protect us from the elements. Experts say we should think about skincare the...
After a summer of too much sun and fun, it’s time to start taking care of yourself again. Here, the services you need to...
A fresh new shade can instantly make you look younger, prettier and more stylish. The first step, though, is finding the right colorist. Ask...
What did you do this summer? Let us guess: Afternoons spent lounging by the pool. Backyard BBQs. Two weeks in Nantucket or the Hamptons....
After months of your body being hidden underneath jeans and sweaters, it’s time for your big reveal! Are you ready? If not, try these...