Blake Lively’s Betty Buzz Mixers

These Betty Buzz mixers are changing the way we look at cocktails…and mocktails. Westchesterite Blake Lively created the line in the strong belief that mixers are โ€œunsung heroes of the drink world.โ€ With flavors like Ginger Beer, Sparkling Grapefruit or Meyer Lemon Club Soda, Livelyโ€™s concotions use natural flavors, real juice and clean ingredients to create vegan friendly and kosher bases for non-alcoholic beverages.

The website has tons of inspiration for making lots of interesting cocktails that work with or without the booze, from the non-alcoholic Strawberry Ginger Limelight to the Kentucky Rival, which has a bit of bourbon. Try the Betty Buzz Tonic Water ($30 for a 12-pack), which mixes carbonated water with quinine, citric acid and agave syrup for a drink that tastes good on the rocks or paired with gin or vodka.

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