Organic Pharmer’s Phast Program

While cleansing is a great way to regulate your body and purge it of toxins, most of us are turned off by not eating real food for—let’s face it, any length of time at all! Created by Dr. Susan Blum, a functional medicine physician in Rye Brook, NY, Organic Pharmers Phast program is the first real food, five-day program that has come out of the lauded research by Dr. Valter Longo on optimal fasting states.

This cleanse includes real shakes, soups, bone broth and a protein bar, as well as Organic Pharmer’s coconut golden milk. The menu is free of gluten dairy, soy, corn and eggs. “These are ingredients that can cause inflammation in the body,” says Dr. Blum, “and, as has been shown time and time again, inflammation is the driver of most chronic disease.” Dr. Blum recommends the one-time trial ($399) for those who have never done a cleanse before, but the company encourages clients to transition to the three-month cyclical program.

“We wanted to create a product that started with function first, and didn’t compromise on flavor, because if it doesn’t taste good, then it will be really hard for people to stick with it,” says Dr. Blum. “All our recipes were formulated by our two macrobiotic chefs in conjunction with our functional medicine physician for optimal healing.” She recommends talking to your doctor before starting any nutritional program.

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