How to Lose Friends and Influence No One


by Mary Giuliani

Serendipity favorite, two-time author (The Cocktail Party: Eat, Drink, Play, Recover and Tiny Hot Dogs: A Memoir in Small Bites) and lifestyle expert Mary Giuliani spills all in her hilarious new collection of essays that look at what happens when a social butterfly is forced to stay home during the pandemic. As Rachael Ray raves, “Mary Giuliani is not a name but a promise. Like a guarantee on the box, her name attached to an event, a book, a menu or a meal, it is a golden ticket to good times. Mary makes me smile, laugh, cry happy tears, and she always leaves me hungry for more of her wisdom, her humor, and her stories.” In another witty and charming book, Giuliani shares stories about the business and pleasure of being “caterer to the stars” and what really happens when you finally get a break from your over-booked life. Cheers!

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