Support Breast Cancer Research with these Products

Breast Cancer Products

There are lots of great initiatives and products that support breast cancer research during Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October. Here are a few we love:

  1. Ralph Lauren Love Pink Tee, $68,
  2. Erin Condren Hope Blooms notebook, $16,
  3. Rodin Olio Lusso Jasmine & Neroli Crema, $47,
  4. Estée Lauder Pink Perfection Lip Kit, $35,
  5. Fun with Fania masks in three specially-created designs, all named after women in owner Stefania Amicucci’s life who were diagnosed with breast cancer, $6 each,;
  6. SmartyPits Grapefruit Cardamom aluminum-free deodorant, $13,

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